Worldwide, the Law Enforcement Torch Run is the largest annual fundraiser for Special Olympics athletes. Over 110,000 police and peace officers carry the flame of hope around the world to raise awareness for the cause of people with intellectual disabilities.
Mission of the Law Enforcement Torch Run
In partnership with law enforcement services and communities across the province, LETR-Quebec’s mission is to raise funds and public awareness for Special Olympics Québec and promote its mission.
A team of dynamic and committed peace officers works with the community to promote Special Olympics Québec’s mission and fund Special Olympics Québec athletes in an innovative way so that they can live inclusive experiences through sport.
You can participate in the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run campaign through a variety of advocacy and fundraising activities. You can help make the dreams of special athletes come true and give them opportunities to excel. Thanks to your involvement, more and more people living with intellectual disabilities will have the right to dream, enter the workforce and develop their independence.
Polar Bear Challenge… for the brave!
Law Enforcement Torch Run… for the legs!
Le parcours des héros… for the obstacles!
A huge thank you to these members of the Quebec National Assembly for their support!
Robert Buissières, MP for Gatineau
Marie-Belle Gendron, MP for Châteauguay
Éric Girard, MP for Lac-Saint-Jean
Ian Lafrenière, MP for Vachon
Lucie Lecours, MP for Les Plaines
Mathieu Lemay, MP for Masson
Mathieu Lévesque, MP for Chapleau
Carole Mallette, MP for Huntingdon
Marilyne Picard, MP for Soulanges
Luc Provençal, MP for Beauce-Nord
Elisabeth Prass, MP for D’Arcy McGee
Claude Reid, MP for Beauharnois
Marie-Louise Tardif, MP for Laviolette-Saint-Maurice

Recent news

Athlete and Volunteer Recognition Evening